Cabal's mastermind plans to hijack Okwuemeke election

Okwuemeke youth election is expected to take place soon and no date have been fixed. But political godfather's and c abal's have masterminded plans to hijack the election through nomination of candidates that will occupy strategic key positions and who are their loyalist to fight and intim idate their political opponents, who the regards as their enem ies or rivals . It is been combined with oath taking in secret places, on ce victory is assured , as their target is umu-njil a kindred in Okw u-emeke, which have the highest population and voting power. B ut their compensati on is given them the task force chairman and appoint ing them as sports chairman as we ll vi gi lante chai rman were funds could be generated for their selfish pocket interest . Most of the candidates nominat ed are not qualified to occupy the position because the la ck l eaders hip cha r isma and are well known cultist, who cannot pass a common screening process ,wi th state secur...