Archbishop AJV Obinna to open Assumpta cathedral on Sunday

The archbishop of Owerri catholic diocese, his grace Rev.AJV Obinna announced on Wednesday 28th April after his radio service on 96.1 FM Osiza, that he will reopen Assumpta Catherdal on Sunday for church services and there will be no more masses on Osiza FM, which he described as makeshift mobile church. Obinna said since the federal government will ease the lockdown on Monday 4th May, according to the presidential taskforce guide line therefore nothing is wrong if we open the church on Sunday for service and our neighbouring states in the South East Anambra and Ekiti state in the South West have reopened for business with compulsory wearing of your facemask. Although the presidential taskforce have warned against social gathering which cannot be more than twenty persons in one place to avoid the spread of coronavirus and from the guideline given only banks and government offices but only starting level 12 officer and above. Recently some defaulters were arr...